Day 2

1 min readJan 8, 2022

After long hours of sleep after sleep, my fever has gone lower for now. I still have to watch out since it keeps on coming back. I think I am more asleep than awake these past two days, which was okay since I needed this rest after weeks of sleep deprivation.

I had a high fever yesterday. Took the afternoon off from work and had a lot of paracetamol, food supplement, melatonin, and Kamillosan. My highest was 39.2, and now my temperature fluctuates from 37.5–38.5.

I took my antigen test a while ago, and it, unfortunately, tested positive. I had a feeling it would because my symptoms match the new variant’s symptoms. I’m having my PCR test tomorrow just to make sure.

Right after Odette, this is another hurdle and the year just started. It’s something that I can conquer, for sure. Sometimes, it’s just better also to know that people care about you. With Odette, you had big support, a community you can lean-to. However, with Covid, I do have the support of my family but it’s a battle you have to fight on your own because you don’t want to infect them.

Again, just because so many people have it doesn’t mean it’s okay.

EDIT: I remember now that a day before I had a fever, I was already having a hard time breathing at one point, but I just thought it was just my body adjusting from my workouts.




Life is an adventure. Life is uncertain; death is certain. This is my personal diary. Designing my own path one step at a time. Adventures.