A work that you love

1 min readJan 25, 2022

Since late last year, I’ve been working for a sustainability communications company. Last year, when I was still in Siargao, work was easy. It felt like I didn’t put a lot of effort then. Since January, right after I recovered from my covid, work piled up like crazy. I tried to build a routine where I go out to work out, but I realized last week that I ended up tired throughout the week. This week, I’ll try to experiment with the routine and workout at home, also because, I’m tired to talk to anyone at the gym. I just want to work out and go.

I love what I do now and I am learning so many things each day. I know that I have a command already and gained my colleague’s respect. I am proud of myself for doing that. However, I also feel like I am sacrificing my health in a way because my eyes are strained. I need to fix my daily to-do list manage my time to do work and not strain my eye. I thought I can wake up early around 6 am, but I’ve been waking up later, an hour later.

For the rest of the evening, I still want to accomplish some tasks, work out, and practice yoga. I also want to do some reading and singing.




Life is an adventure. Life is uncertain; death is certain. This is my personal diary. Designing my own path one step at a time. Adventures.